The Founders

The Founders

Adam Pinkard (left) and Adam Saunders (right)

ADAM PINKARD started his professional life in call centres before buying a Gloria Jean’s Franchise. After selling that business, Adam became a Paramedic in 2010. Adam has always enjoyed challenging himself; he has represented Australia in Powerlifting, Went to college in the USA and played American Football. During a holiday to Scotland with his father, it was here Adam found a new challenge and passion in the Whisky industry. After returning home, he made it his new goal to open a Tasmanian Whisky Distillery, shortly into the venture he realised he needed some help; Adam spoke to his friend Adam Saunders about some building ideas. Over the next 12 months, with regular catch ups and discussions, the Whisky Distillery Idea soon became a passion for Adam Saunders as well. Adam and Adam formed a partnership that led to being the best of mates.

ADAM SAUNDERSis a master builder, completing a lot of his apprenticeship at Boags Brewery giving Adam all the skills needed to set out and manage the building of a Distillery. From nothing more than a green field, Adam has overseen the design, build and fit-out of every aspect of the distillery; constructing much of the distilleries buildings and visitors centre with Jesse and himself, while using local tradespeople where needed and Kolmark for the Still manufacture and installation, Adam has turned what was Adam Pinkard’s idea into a reality. With a tendency to OCD, Adam runs a tight floor; nothing is left untidy at the end of a hard day’s production. This attention to detail is evident it the quality of the spirits produced. Adam is married to Claire Saunders, with two daughters, Elle and Harper.



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